Opening the right doors with data

Improving tenants’ lives through better service delivery.

Enable social landlords and housing associations to provide a better customer experience, enhancing their tenants’ lives through better service delivery.

Our Solution

We can move away from data silos and niche stand-alone systems to a more connected world with real-time data integration that enables decisions based on analytics backed up by trusted data: this is what Mosaic does.

Complex challenges we’re solving

Community Welfare

Reduce inequalities experienced by residents and help support the basic needs of your residence. Identify areas of most need through Brainnwave’s unique deprivation index. Use evidence and data to support decision-making on the ground and strategically with partners.

Securing Income & Rent

Machine Learning driven application that predicts likely rent defaults up to six weeks in advance. Enabling early intervention and wrap-around services to prevent escalating arrears.

Reduce Fires & ASB

Reduce accidental fires through AI algorithms that detect and monitor risk factors. Help create peaceful neighbourhoods by analysing your data and identifying leading indicators and profiles of high-risk cases.

Estate Management

Effectively manage estate services, including cleaning, grounds and tree maintenance and estate improvement projects through having all data and information in one consolidated application.

Improved Repairs

A Machine Learning powered application to identify optimal repair schedules, reducing no access rates. Understand repair clusters and customer reports to better plan and target the services.

Tenancy Sustainment

Analyse your eviction data to identify underlying patterns helping you classify first-year failures and put wrap-around services in place to help sustain the tenancy.

Putting this into practice

Visualising communities, tenancy, housing, facilities, crime data and demographic data in a usable platform is something we've done for a number of clients now.

We've also worked on an ASB-alert system with a degree of prediction for possible hot-spots in future so that housing associations can allocate the right resources to help mitigate.

So, whether we're working with maps with geo-spatial layers and pins, or screens with visualisations for decision making, it's all comfortable within our mosaic platform.